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Mathematics Across the Community College...
Most people might be aware that mathematics finds its way into a number of instructional programs and courses that are most decidedly not focused on this important discipline. Math is present in a wide range of courses, ranging from fashion design to sociology. Led by The American Mathematical Association of Two-Year Colleges (AMATYC) along with a number of community colleges (including Miami Dade College), the goal of this particular effort is "to create a mathematically literate society that ensures a workforce equipped to compete in a technologically advanced global economy." The site is divided into several primary sections, including "Courses and Projects", "Institutes and Conferences",...
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Human Propulsion PDF
This lesson points out that the motion of objects (velocity or acceleration) is almost never constant, and applies this idea to the motion of a person walking....
Nuclear Power Plant PDF
This lesson introduces students to the basics of nuclear energy production. Topics include radioisotope thermoelectric generators, natural decay of radioactive...
Population: Basic Statistics PDF
This lesson reinforces the idea that Earth's population, including the population of the United States, is growing at a dramatic rate. It discusses some of the...
Newton's Second Law PDF
This lesson introduces students to Sir Isaac Newton's Second Law of Motion. Topics include the two ways to study the dynamics of a system in which there is...
The Nature of Tectonic Plates PDF
This lesson provides an overview of the various types of interactions between tectonic plates. The discussion uses the analogy of a cracked egg to describe the...

AMSER is a portal of educational resources and services built specifically for use by those in Community and Technical Colleges but free for anyone to use.

AMSER is funded by the National Science Foundation as part of the National Science Digital Library, and is being created by a team of project partners led by Internet Scout.
Radar screen showing land outlines and blips.
Total eclipse of the sun, computer generated.
Mathematicians and economists are needed for analyzing consumer demand for products and services (at a consumer marketing firm, corporation, or consulting firm).

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